Committee and Duty memberships are the driving force of our Toy Library. We are a community owned and run organisation, which means we cannot function without the assistance of our members and community volunteers.
The toy library is not for profit. Our membership fees cover the cost of the librarian's wages, rent and other operating costs such as insurance. New toys are purchased through fundraising and grants kindly provided to us by other charitable entities.
To join Ngaio Toy Library come down to the library on a Saturday morning between 9.30am and 11.30am, complete our membership form, pay the fees, and start borrowing toys straight away! Toys can only be taken out once the membership fee is paid.
Our membership options are as follows:
Non-duty membership - $160 per year
We have a set number of memberships available each year for non-duty members that aren't able to contribute to helping out the Toy Library.
Duty membership - $80 per year
Pay just $80 and assist our librarian by contributing your time at four to five sessions per year. You will be contacted by our roster coordinator about your shifts via email; please let us know if you are unable to attend your rostered day so you can be allocated another shift.
Committee Membership - $80 per year
An alternative to Duty Membership, Committee Membership is a lot of fun and a rewarding way to give back to the toy library. Our committee meets monthly for an hour and a half, and each committee member has a small portfolio of work to help keep the toy library operating (approximately two hours per month). Committee members also contribute to the annual stock take.
Whether you are keen to join the committee or just volunteer your time for certain tasks, any time you can give makes a big difference. Getting involved with the toy library is a great opportunity to use your personal skills - we always need people with experience in accounting, marketing, communications, coordinating volunteers, administration, purchasing and fundraising.
We also have concessions available at $35 for ten toys.
If you are a community services card holder, contact us for membership options for low-income families.
Our bank account details: Ngaio Toy Library Inc 02-0524-0058182-01
We do not charge fees for overdues or lost toys. We trust our members to return loans on time and with all pieces. It's recommended you take a photo of each toy and its parts when you get it home, so you can check you have all the pieces before you return it.
If a loaned item is damaged or lost, please let our librarian know when you return your items. If you find a missing piece at home, we'd be grateful if you could return it to the librarian at the next session.